Saturday, 3 December 2016

Barley Brushed Hair - A New Beginning

 I have moved and started a shiny new blog over at Barely Brushed Hair.  Come and say hello and have a nosy at my first blogmas posts. 

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Baking: Giant Milk and White Chocolate Cookies

Oh I do enjoy a good bake! Especially when it is a successful bake. These giant white and milk chocolate cookies I made the other week were a big hit with my family and friends. So here is the very easy peasy recipe that is completely customisable. If you are not in the mood for chocolate then you could always use dried fruit, nuts or just enjoy them plain. 

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Spring Showers: A Few Happy Things

I thought instead of acknowledging my er...cough 100 day er absence..cough I thought I would jump straight back into the blogging game by sharing a few things that have made me happy recently.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

It's the Simple Things

'Simplicity is Beauty and Beauty is Simplicity, Nothing More, Nothing Less' 
-Oscar Widle

I often find its the little things that bring me the most happiness or brighten up a miserable day. The simple things I do that put my mind at rest and make me feel completely at peace.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Don't Dismiss January

I always feel sympathy towards the month of January, as soon as Christmas and the New Year are over, there seems to be a mood of eagerness to move onto the next 'thing'. That 'thing' being Summer holidays and all things hot. We seem to rush on through the rest of Winter and forget to enjoy the continuation of fluffy sock and oversize jumper wearing days. Rainy Sunday mornings filled with book reading and tea drinking. There are still so many candlelit baths to be indulged in. Dark evenings to be spent hidden under a layer of blankets. Enjoy these last few moments of Winter before the Spring beckons it's retreat.

Do you dismiss January?

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Northern Lass in 2016

2016 will mark three years that I have been blogging on this little corner of  the internet that I call mine. I would like to think in those three years that my blog has improved, the writing, the photography and the content, but as my Mum always says 'There is always room for improvement'. So here is what to expect from Northern Lass in 2016...

Friday, 1 January 2016

Hello 2016

A New Year allows us the chance to work towards the people we have always hoped to be, the kinder, happier and the perhaps slightly more adventurous versions of ourselves. So cue the gym memberships that won't last, the resolutions that will soon dissolve and let's write a new chapter better than the one before. 

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