Sunday, 15 February 2015


Part of a new series I am working on, all about  interpreting the paintings from the Renaissance and the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood in my own way and style. In the hope to breath new life into the stories the paintings depict. This is the second in the series based upon the painting of 'Isabella and the Pot of Basil' by William Holman Hunt. The painting is based upon a poem by John Keats of the same name.
'It tells the tale of a young woman whose family intend to marry her to "some high noble and his olive trees", but who falls for Lorenzo, one of her brothers' employees. When the brothers learn of this they murder Lorenzo and bury his body. His ghost informs Isabella in a dream. She exhumes the body and buries the head in a pot of basil which she tends obsessively, while pining away.'


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