A few things I have picked up over the past couple of weeks, all things which I didn't need but found them too charming too resist.
Set of Three Large Pinecones, Wilkinsons, 1.00 |
I picked these up as I thought they would be useful for blog photography props and also I thought they would look quite sweet to have in my room hanging above my bed.
Framed Pressed Flowers, Charity Shop, 1.00 |
I found this hidden away at the back of dingy looking charity shop. Let's face it who could resist this little treasure at the bargain price of one pound. I adore finding things like this I can hang up in my room. If your looking for something similar, charity shops but also eBay are great places to look.
Vintage 70s Glasses, eBay, 6.00 |
Once I set my eyes on these charming glasses I knew I had to have them. They are a little smaller than I first anticipated them to be and are most definitely too small to be used as drinking glasses. However I might transform them into some festive scented candles. But in all honesty I just like to look at them, they are just so pretty.
Yankee Candle Christmas Baking, ASDA, 9.00 |
Candle Season is well and truly upon us and has been for sometime, I'm a sucker for a festive candle and spend far too much money on candles but I couldn't quite resist this one after smelling it. I could try and describe the smell but I wouldn't do it justice, instead you will have to track it down and give it a good sniff yourself.
Recycled Glass Tealight Holders, Next, 3.00 (each) |
After meeting my Mum for a coffee in town after a very long day at Uni...and after devouring a Hot Chocolate/slice of lemon cheesecake. I made the terrible suggestion to pop into Next before heading home. I had to show some serious will power whilst in their Homeware section. Everything was just so beautiful. I picked up these four tealight holders for £3.00 each, and you would be right in thinking I really don't need four...but I bought four non the less. They are quite large and I'm half tempted to use them as drinking glasses.
Festive Spice Room Spice, Next, 5.00 |
Another little something I picked up from Next, I've never used a room spray before and I'm looking forward to trying it out. It's like all thing festive and cosy in a bottle. Look out for a review in the very near future.
So many festive and christmassy bits! I love the next glasses, definitely use them as drinking glasses if they're big enough! :) Alice xx
I'm well and truly into the festive spirit! Yeah I think I will they are big enough. x